Shreemati Chandraben Ramdas Balmandir was established in 15th Aug 1975. From 15th Aug 1975, it had been named Adarsh Balmandir in 1979 from the hands of Mr. Dilvarshing Padvi (Forest Minister) it had renewed and named Shreemati Chandraben Ramdas Balmandir.
Facilities for little children's class.
- Made montesary curriculam.
- Experience teachers [20 - teachers and 10 workers]
- Lots of educational equipments (Playing equipments depends upon children's psychology.)
- Colour work, chess work, clay work, etc. work teachers do and all these things make children's also.
- On the occasion of students birthday we give letter of good wishes.
- Student's health checking from scholar doctors.
- We arrange parents meeting and expect there instruction and think on them and give preference to there instructions.
- We give also daily foods to all the students, we write notice on the black board near main gate.
All these students of KG have uniform and teacher also.
Total students are 820 and class are 18.